Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A New Direction

Hooray for our country and hopes of our government going in a new's about time for a change!

Now, I really don't care to blog about my political stance on certain political situations, however I do have a few quick things to voice my opinion on:

1. Hooray for the two largest "M" cities in my least I know that the majority of people I live around share my save political viewpoints.

2. Good for the governor and four more years. Bad for who looks like the new Atty. General. I sure hope this state doesn't ever pass the "Conceal and Carry" law or any law that will allow teachers to carry guns in school. If it does, I think I will move elsewhere. Having more guns out on the streets and in our classrooms will not help to fight crime, it will only encourage it. Can you imagine a teacher with a gun? "Oh oops, I can't find my gun...I must have left it in my desk in my last classroom....gee I sure hope one of my students didn't take it."

3. It's wonderful that we live in a country that allows its citizens to vote, we really do have a voice.

4. I support our troops and our armed forces because they fight for our freedom. But I'm with the majority of people here when I say get them the hell out of Iraq.

5. This is probably the most contraversial of the issues and I'm sure that most of my family disagrees with me on this one, but until you work with someone, know someone, or even befriend someone who the marriage ammendment affects, you probably wouldn't take a stance on this issue quite like I do. I believe in equal rights for all and if a man wants to marry another man or a woman wants to marry another woman, that's their business. They aren't bothering me, they're not hurting anyone, they're just as much in love with their partner as I am in love with my husband. I believe that they should be allowed the same benefits as those who are married. These days heterosexual marriage isn't viewed as a sacred thing, if it were, we wouldn't be hearing about all these couples splitting. It amazes me that our state cannot recognize a gay marriage or even a civil union. Again, they're not hurting anyone. There is far more to this "gay marriage" issue than gay marriage itself. We live in a free country...we have the freedom to vote, to voice our opinions freely, to own property, to do all of these things freely...but a man who is in love with another man cannot marry him or have any other rights that a heterosexual married couple has because the government says so? Where's the freedom in that? It's 2006...homosexuality is not new and it has been around for hundreds of years...I hope some day this country will be able to recognize equal rights for all just as we did with the civil rights movement.


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